martedì 31 ottobre 2017

If you’d been around for the earliest Halloween celebrations, you might have worn animal skins and heads.

According to ancient Roman records, tribes located in today’s Germany and France traditionally wore costumes of animal heads and skins to connect to spirits of the dead. This tradition continued into modern day celebrations of Samhain, the Celtic holiday that inspired Halloween in America. On this day, merry-makers often dressed as evil spirits simply by blackening their faces. The leader of the Samhain parades wore a white sheet and carried a wooden horse head or a decorated horse skull (a modern Welsh version of this costume is shown above). Young people also celebrated by cross-dressing.

giovedì 12 ottobre 2017

The Saint's Wisdom

Kandagupta was a famous saint. He lived in the outskirts of Maninagar which was a small town of Manipur Kingdom.
He was also known for his fortune telling..
Maniraj who was the king of Manipuri wanted to know his future, He wanted to pay respect to this great saint.
So,he invited Kandagupta to his palace.
When Knadagupta arrived, Maniraj welcomed him and offered him a seat, then the king asked to tell something about his future from his oroscope.
After a short observation into the king's horoscope, Kandagupta started to telling the future of the king, the king was so happy and He decided to gift the saint with gold and silver for every good thing told by Kandagupta.
Now, came the time to say the future misfortunes, the look of Maniraj started to change, and at one point He Said "Stop! there's no sense! I order you to say me the time of your death".
Kandagupta at this point replied with a small voice " My lord, my death will take place just an hour before the death"
The king felt his error and sent Kandagupta off with wealth.
The moral of the story is that Wisdom is more able than power.